Establishment and operation of a (virtual) competence center for market and business processes Smart Home & Living Baden-Württemberg
The Smart-O-Mat (SOM) is part of the Competence Center Smart Home & Living (SHL) project. Based on the well-known Wahl-O-Mat, the SOM should be an online tool with which customers (private or commercial builders) can be sensitized, oriented and individually tailored to the topic of Smart Home & Living. The aim of the SOM solution is therefore to inform potential users about SHL solutions and their functionalities and, depending on their preferences, to suggest the right solution to the customer. SOM also offers a selection guide for technical solutions that meet customer requirements. Another important aspect that SOM tries to cover is the presentation of the results in a form that is understandable for the user and from as neutral a point of view as possible.
Project Period
09.08.19 – 09.02.22
Contact Person HS Reutlingen
Prof. Martínez