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Interactive bio-based surfaces for user-oriented car interiors (InBiO)


Automotive technology is in a state of upheaval. In the human machine interface area, the increasing interaction between vehicles, users and the Internet makes an ever-increasing number of control elements necessary, which ultimately makes the vehicle heavier. An interdisciplinary team from the fields of chemistry, industrial design, IT and textile technology wants to develop lighter and more intuitive interfaces based on innovative textile user interfaces that reduce the complexity of car interior components. With green design features, the environmentally conscious user should be able to identify sustainable materials and products more easily and select them in a targeted manner. A strong network between the Reutlingen teaching and research center IMAT and industry means that scientific knowledge and ideas are efficiently converted into marketable products for local medium-sized companies as well as for the entire Baden-Württemberg industry.

Project Period

01.05.18 - 31.05.2020

Contact Person HS Reutlingen

Prof. Martínez/Prof. Luccarelli/Prof. Textor/Dr. Nebel